Since this is the inaugural post of this blog, I thought I should start close to home... so here's a link to the official Blarney Castle website.
And here's Wikipedia's take on it.
And since this would be rather boring if it was nothing but links, here's my take on the Blarney Castle experience.
If you come to visit us, you should see it and, unless terrified by heights or some such, kiss the Blarney Stone. Why?
- It's maybe 10 or 15 minutes walking distance from our house.
- It makes a great first-day-but-we're-jet-lagged-but-hey-look-we're-in-Ireland-and-visiting-a-castle moment.
- Probably any other American who has ever visited Ireland has been to the Blarney Castle. It's a big tour bus stop.
- While not in great shape, it IS a castle. Depending on your interest in castles, we can see a lot, some, or no more of them, but if you're coming to Ireland, you should definitely see at LEAST one.
- The grounds are very large, with some neat rocks and stuff, including the Wishing Steps (which you have to go up backwards with your eyes closed), and lots of meandering trails.
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